define(["jquery"], function ($) {
With this library you can create colored hovering text annotations on text. It is offset based, so it is ideal for representing text mining results.
This libary uses jquery
, so import it as variable $
define(["jquery"], function ($) {
Example inputs are:
textPos = {
"begin": 6,
"end": 10,
"attr": "sentence",
"ref": "concept/ipsum"
containerNode = $("#s1")
textNode = $("#s1 .sentence")
color = "rgba(109,191,169,0.5)"
layer = "layer-l1"
Example HTML markup:
<span id="s1">
<!-- The annotation <div>'s will be placed here -->
<span class="sentence">Lorem ipsum dolor</span>
function annotate(textPos, containerNode, textNode, color, layer) {
Collect the annotation position informations here.
var annotationInfos = [];
var info = iannotate(textPos, containerNode, textNode, color, layer);
if (info) {
Inner recursive function which does the actual work.
function iannotate(textPos, containerNode, textNode, color, layer) {
var begin = textPos.begin;
var end = textPos.end;
var delta = textPos.end - textPos.begin;
var textNode = $(textNode).get(0); // get raw dom element from jquery
var innerTextNode = textNode.firstChild;
var innerTextNodeCopy = innerTextNode.textContent;
Splitting the text with Text.splitText API into head, middle and tail nodes.
var headNode = undefined
if (begin > innerTextNode.textContent.length) {
console.error("Offset Error (@head)!", textPos, textNode);
return {};
} else {
headNode = innerTextNode.splitText(begin);
var middleNode = innerTextNode.nextSibling;
var tailNode = undefined;
if (delta > middleNode.textContent.length) {
console.error("Offset Error (@tail)!", textPos, textNode);
tailNode = middleNode.splitText(middleNode.textContent.length);
color = "red";
} else {
tailNode = middleNode.splitText(delta);
Create a temporary node, with a copy of the text of the middle node.
var tmp = document.createElement("span");
Place the temporary node at the position of the middle node. Why this? Because the browser hasn’t calculated any graphical postions for middle node yet. With this temporary node we force the browser to re-render and generate the graphical informations for the temporary node. Maybe there are far better solutions…
var replacedNode = textNode.replaceChild(tmp, middleNode);
Retrieve the graphical position, line height and surrounding box of the temporary (middle) node. These informations where calculated by the browsers render engine.
var position = $(tmp).position();
var lineheight = parseFloat( $(textNode).css("line-height") );
var box = { width: $(tmp).width(), height: $(tmp).height() };
if (isNaN(lineheight)) {
console.error("Line height is not a number. " +
"Please set a numeric line-height CSS style. " +
"Otherwise it can cause corrupt annotations on line breaks.");
Some conditions…
var voidBox = box.width == 0;
var foundLineBreak = box.height > (1.5 * lineheight);
var foundSingleCharWithHypen = middleNode.length == 1 && foundLineBreak;
if (foundSingleCharWithHypen) {
It’s one char, which is assigned to two lines.
This means that the browser has appended a hyphen to this single char (to the middleNode
)! += lineheight;
box.height -= lineheight;
var forMeasure = document.createElement("span");
forMeasure.innerHTML = middleNode.textContent;
box.width = $(forMeasure).width();
createAnnotation(containerNode, position, box, color, layer, textPos);
Reset text-state for further annotations.
return {
"containerNode": containerNode,
"position": position,
"box": box,
"color": color,
"model": textPos
} else if (voidBox) {
Note: This case arose from some Bootstrap CSS rules… No successful annotation possible, so reset text-state.
return {};
} else if (foundLineBreak) {
No successful annotation possible, reset text-state.
Divide the problem.
var left = {begin: begin, end: begin + Math.ceil(delta / 2)};
var right = {begin: begin + Math.ceil(delta / 2), end: end};
Split the annotation at the line break into litte peaces and call again the algorithm.
iannotate(left, containerNode, textNode, color, layer);
iannotate(right, containerNode, textNode, color, layer);
} else {
Simply create a normal annotation.
createAnnotation(containerNode, position, box, color, layer, textPos);
Reset text-state for further annotations.
return {
"containerNode": containerNode,
"position": position,
"box": box,
"color": color,
"model": textPos
return annotationInfos;
This function creates a hovering annotation box.
The annotation can be colored and assigned to a annotation layer.
To identify all annotations use for example $(".annotated")
if you want only annotations in a certain layer use for example $(".annotation-layer-LAYERNAME")
function createAnnotation(containerNode, position, box, color, layer, model) {
var annot = $(document.createElement("div"));
annot.attr("data-toggle", "popover");
annot.attr("data-placement", "top");
annot.attr("data-html", "true");
annot.attr("data-content", "<a href='/§:" + model.ref + "'>" + model.ref + "</a>");
annot.attr("data-trigger", "focus"); // needed for dismiss-on-next-click
annot.attr("role", "button"); // needed for dismiss-on-next-click
annot.attr("tabindex", "0"); // needed for dismiss-on-next-click
if (layer)
annot.addClass("annotation-layer-" + layer);
annot.css( "width", box.width );
annot.css( "height", "0.3em" );
annot.css( "left", position.left );
annot.css( "top", + box.height - 3 );
if (color)
annot.css( "background-color", color);
Expose the entry function.
return annotate;